Thursday 22 January 2015

Movie fantasies: A teenage girl shares her best cinema moments

Hey guys!.. am back now, just finished lunch and what else? about to share something nice.. what?.. oh i had fufu and hot vegetable soup, yeah trust me sleep full my head oh! but mua go try gist una shaa..

so.. i was checking my mail while eating, (i do that most times), and i saw a mail that popped up saying "share my Cinema Moments for me!" hmm.. and guess what?! its a pretty young girl awwn, shes cute agh! she get luck say she nor tell me her name, i for track her down till my BIS expire phew! here she goes..

I love going to the cinemas – I mean, who doesn’t? The cinemas are totally great especially with friends. Cinemas are a must have on your list of chill out zones if you have any. Now, the cinemas can be great no doubt but there are just some people who can either piss me off or who are the highlight of my day. There has just got to be those, in fact they exist in my everyday life.
1. IT’S MOVIE TICKET TIME: The queues can be really long or short depending on the days. Like Saturdays and Sundays for instance, as much as I hate the queues they hold, I really love the cinemas on such days. The love is because there are so many people flooding the place and I get a chance to make a lot of new friends. The hate is because of those people that try to destroy my movie before it has even begun by trying to discourage me from purchasing the ticket for a movie and the fact that the queues can cause me to lose my legs from all the standing (this can only happen of course if legs could leave bodies and run away).
2. IT’S MOVIE SNACKING TIME: I’m always prepared! (WARNING: If you’ve never done this, do not try it for you are on your own. But, if you’ve done this before ‘HIGH-FIVE’). Being a girl that I am, I use my hand bag to my advantage. Some or most cinemas have this rule of “do not bring into the auditorium, food not bought on the floor of ticket sales”- (tell me this doesn’t just make you feel somehow) they have their reasons, no argument. Well, I buy the good ‘old popcorn and drinks from the ticket sales floor but for pit sake, is that all I would eat in there for a movie of like 90-120 minutes or more? This is where my wonderful bag comes in :-D – I just buy a few more stuff elsewhere and stuff in my bag for survival. Sometimes, my friends without bags or with smaller bags might even use my bag for their stuff as well. See? I’m a nice girl. (NOTE: Dear cinema management, if you ever read this post do not look out for me. I do this so I can enjoy my movie without having to leave the auditorium for more snacks.  Thank you… LOL!)
3. MOVIE TIME: With my ticket checked by the attendants I get into the auditorium. Scanning through the rows of seats and saying to myself “hmm front, centre or back?” and for some unknown reason, I sit either centre or back because there’s just something about the front. I go to the cinema to enjoy, not endure, a movie but some people make that difficult. If they aren’t talking loudly, they’re taking pictures or using their phones with the brightest lights on and a lot of other stuff, I’m like can’t all this wait until the movie is over? There are some who tell the plot of the movie before it’s over while some just wait for the lights to go down so they could publicly display their affection. I paid for things like this to be on the screen not rows in front of me or behind me. If only people could keep talking to a minimum, enjoy their snacks quietly with minimum rustling and no throwing of snacks, keep public displays of affection until after the film, keep all mobile phone use until after the film including call answering, social networking and internet surfing, keep feet off chairs, minimize getting up to leave the auditorium and the likes. Until then, my cinema going would be some struggle.
4. AND IT ALL ENDS: The movie is over! The drama, comedy and all both on screen and in real life are over. Is it just me or do you chill to be the last to leave the hall? I just love it because I hate the rush at the exit.
All this is my attraction to the cinemas and I can’t help but to keep going and going, not even minding what happens :-)
i dont know but seriously.. this girl is lost it LOOOOL! anyway, i will have a short nap right now and get back to your comments later so you know what to do.. #ReadAllAboutIt

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